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Writer's pictureChristopher McDonald

Wednesday Night Bible Study - Notes - A Study In Revelation Lesson 7 - The Church of Ephesus P1

TEXT: Revelation 2:1-7

"In The Midst" - This portrays the rightful place of Christ as head of the church and ministry.

Seven Fact About The Ephesians (Ephesian 1:1)

  1. Ten points of commendation (Rev. 2:2-6)

  2. One point of commendation (Rev. 2:4-5)

  3. They had left their first love (Rev. 2:5)

  4. They were commanded to repent and do their first works to be restored to God and their first love (Rev. 2:5)

  5. If they would not do so they were to be removed (Rev. 2:5)

  6. The whole church would be destroyed if terms were not met (Rev. 2:5). This would also be true of individuals.

  7. Only the overcomer was promised heaven (Rev. 2:7)

1 Ephesus - Apostolic

2 Symrna - The Persecuted Church

3 Pergamos - State/Constantine

4 Thyatira - Papal Church

5 Sardis - The Dead Church (Reformation)

6 Philadelphia - The Missionary Church

7 Laodicea - The Apostate Church/End Time!

  1. Represents Apostolic Age - 100AD

  2. All pastors belong to the Lord (If Truly of the Lord)

  3. Christ is the Head of the church (Colossian 1:18)

  4. I KNOW your works, labor and patience divine knowledge

  5. "Evil" - Those who have departed from true doctrine

  6. Ephesus problems were not doctrinal - Spiritual (v. 4)

  7. "Left" not "Lost" - They had forsaken the preaching of the Church

  8. Christ warn of judgement if not repented of.

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