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Writer's pictureChristopher McDonald

Wednesday Night Bible Study - Notes - A Study In Revelation Lesson 21 - The Church Of Pergamos P2

TEXT: Revelation 2:12-17

The seven churches were chosen by the Holy Spirit! And portray the entirety of the church age.

  1. Ephesus

  2. Smyrna

  3. Pergamos

  4. Thyatira

  5. Sardis

  6. Philadelphia

  7. Laodicea

  1. Ephesus - Apostolic church - Ended 100 AD

  2. Smyrna - Martyr church - 100-300 AD - Rome hurled 10 bloody persecutions against the church

  3. Pergamos - State church - 300 AD to 500 AD. Constatine great legalized Christianity making it state religion of Roman Empire - Invasion of paganism into church

  4. Thyatira - Papal church AD 500 - Present. Rome assumed power over church - Pope

  5. Sardis - AD 1500 - Luther - Justification of faith

  6. Philadelphia - Missionary church - AD 1800 to AD 1900s

  7. Laodicea - Present day apostate to rapture

Adam To Christ 4000. Church 2021 years

6021 years of human history

12. Aslepius, the saviour God of healing, represented by the snake

13. The latter feature caused Pergamos to be labeled "the Lourdes of the ancient world"

14. The time frame of this church a little after AD 300 began with Constantine

15. After a dream constantine caused the persecutions of the Smyrna age to cease and Christianity became the religion of the state

16. Constantine became not only the civil leader of the state, but the religious one

17. The conference of Nicae was called to deal chiefly with the nature and person of Christ

18. 318 bishops attended this conference, five times more than the laity

19. Christianity cheered this leader, esteemed him highly because he ended persecution

20. It was the death nail of the church

21 Constantine had a sick view of the new birth - Baptism in particular

22. This church suffered a serious relapse from the state of Smyrna

23. She condoned EVIL on many levels and was condemned for IT

24. Constantine's elevation of the church to that of the state was NOT A BLESSING but brought a CURSE!

25. The church lost her prophetic voice and her pilgrim way as she married a political system and ceased to be "CALLED OUT BODY"

  1. Speaks of the symbolism of the word of God

  2. A sword is an offensive weapon in battle

  3. During this period, the church left the word of God

  4. Therefore, Christ proclaims in no uncertain terms, the absolute necessity of the word of God

  5. Jesus Christ IS the living word (John 1:1)

  6. The edges speak of two things that pertain to how the Lord uses the word:

A. In the realm of grace

B. And in the realm of judgement as seen in Pergamos

7. The word of God is described as the sword of the spirit (Ephesians 6:17)

8. In Hebrews it's said to be a sword that pierces the heart "Dividing" asunder

9. It cuts the sin out of our lives and DIVIDES that which is godly from that which is evil (not good from evil but godly from evil)

10. Jesus said in Matthew 10:34 - He did not come to bring peace - he didn't come yo bring peace to Pergamos a church that had left his word!

11. The persecution of Smyrna is hardly mentioned here at which time the church GREW numerically and spiritually

12. Pergamos intertwined and shook hands with the word system and courted its friendship!

13. It became a political body instead of a spiritual one!

14. Pergamos condone evil workers and as a result was threatened with swift judgement.

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