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Writer's pictureChristopher McDonald

Wednesday Bible Study - Notes - Study In Revelation Lesson 32 - The Church Of Thyatira P3


A Change Of Government

  1. The Catholic church sprung some claim from the "HOLY" Roman Empire. There was nothing HOLY about ANY empire of history!

  2. "The ghost of the Roman Empire come to life in the garb of Christianity."

  3. It brought itself to life through the glory of Rome and did so, by deception and force and bloodshed to maintain its power

  4. Under Catholicism the church was understood to be no longer an assembly of called out ones but a group of persons coming under the AUTHORITY of this so-called apostolic succession of Bishops!

  5. The communion of The Holy Ghost and the Lord Jesus Christ became restricted to outward form, ritual and sadly led to serious abuses and death

Revelation 2:18 And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath His eyes like unto a flame of fire, and His feet are like fine brass; 2:19 - I Know Thy Works

The Church At Thyatira - Part One - Eyes Like Fire, Feet Like Brass

  1. This letter to the church in Thyatira covers the time span from AD 500 to the present

  2. It is called by man bible scholars the "papal church" - The beginning of Catholicism

  3. Jesus addresses this church as "The Son of God" - it is the only time this designation is used in the book of Revelation

  4. As he walks among this church, He sees all, hence - "Eyes like unto a flame of fire."

  5. He walks with true authority - "His feet are like fine brass"

  6. This letter like all others in Revelation 2-3 are sent TO THE PASTOR (The Angel) of the Church at Thyatira

  7. Its Telling that there are more scriptures that deal with Thyatira's issues than any of the seven churches A. Ephesus - 8 Verses (2:1-7) B. Smyrna - 4 Verses - (2:8-11) C. Pergamos - 6 Verses - (2:12-17) D. Thyatira - 12 Verses - (2:18-29) E. Sardis - 7 Verses - (3:1-6) F. Philadelphia - 7 Verses - (3:7-13) G. Laodicea - 9 Verses (3:14-22)

  8. This idea seeped into the early church and lost ALL forms of biblical church government

  9. During AD 390-461, Leo I, Bishop of Rome, led a move to recognize the bishop of Rome as "The Universal Bishop"

  10. It was he who first made the claim that Peter was the first pope, some 400 years after this supposedly took place (Shortly after the resurrection)

  11. The early church revolted at first (Council of Chalcedon); His influence planted the seeds of what was to come

  12. Leo I's power was enforced by the Roman Empire (THE STATE) but even with that the church said NO at the start

  13. The doctrine of Papal infallibility officially began in 1870.

  14. It was not until 600 AD. That the title of Pope was given to the bishop of Rome

  15. Jesus did NOT appoint Peter or anyone else to be "head" of the apostles! He expressly forbade such notion!

  16. The entire idea of a universal "head" over the church is FALSE, UNSCRIPTURAL, DEMONICALLY INSPIRED and UNGODLY

I. The Son Of God

  1. These things saith "the son of God" presents the fact that Christ is GOD

  2. As God, he is the head of the church

  3. Religious idolatry was rooted in Thyatira and religious idolatry is the worst idolatry of all

  4. All idolatry I religious in nature - religious man has made an idol OF THE CHURCH

  5. God's fiercest anger burns against idolatry - because idolatry is hatred, God is LOVE

  6. It is the mother of ALL abominations and of all sufferings

  7. When God is displaced in the heart then an idol occupies the throne and the entire man becomes the victim and agent of EVIL and the principle of evil is hatred

  8. Man is more susceptible to religious idolatry than he is anything else!

  9. He equates religious THINGS with CHRIST and they are NOT THE SAME

  10. Man shifts his faith from CHRIST to THESE THINGS!

  11. Anything that takes man focus OFF THE SON OF GOD and what HE DID AT THE CROSS leads man to hell, not heaven!

  12. Man places his faith in religious OBJECTS and RELIGIOUS PEOPLE instead of Christ!

A Change Of Faith

  1. Law and grace cannot co-exist

  2. Catholicism is a religion of works as it most "religion"

  3. Christianity is relationship and FAITH in what Christ did at the Cross and the Cross alone

  4. Salvation by works depend on man's capacity to produce them

  5. Salvation by faith depends upon God's ability to perform them

  6. Under works, God stands still and sees what man can and cannot do

  7. Under grace man stands still and RESTS in what God has DONE!

  8. Galatians outlines this in the story of Hagar and Sarah

  9. Hagar represents works; Sarah represents grace

  10. Abraham's impatience and works brought forth Ishmael

Ephesians 1:22 - 23 And hath put all things under his feet, and gave Him to be the head over all things to the church, Which is His body, the fulness of Him that filleth all in all.

Colossians 1:18 And He is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things He might have the preeminence.

John 12:32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.

Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

2 Corinthians 13:14 the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.

  1. Ephesus - Apostolic church - Ended 100 AD

  2. Smyrna - Martyr church - 100-300 AD - Rome hurled 10 bloody persecutions against the church

  3. Pergamos - State church - 300 AD to 500 AD. Constantine great legalized Christianity making it state religion of Roman Empire - Invasion of paganism into church

  4. Thyatira - Papal church AD 500 - Present. Rome assumed power over church - Pope

  5. Sardis - AD 1500 - Luther - Justification of faith

  6. Philadelphia - Missionary church - AD 1800 to AD 1900s

  7. Laodicea - Present day apostate to rapture

The seven churches were chosen by the Holy Spirit! And portray the entirety of the church age.

  1. Ephesus

  2. Smyrna

  3. Pergamos

  4. Thyatira

  5. Sardis

  6. Philadelphia

  7. Laodicea

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