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Writer's pictureChristopher McDonald

The Eight Kingdoms of Bible Prophecy

These 8 Kingdoms are ones mentioned in the Scriptures - ALL because they persecuted or oppressed Israel at times in the past, present or future.

The 8 Kingdoms Of Bible Prophecy

Eight Mountain Kingdoms and Israel


1. Egypt was the first kingdom to oppress Israel in the times of the Gentiles -- that period of Israel's history from her beginning as a nation in Egypt to the second coming of Christ (Lk. 21:24; Rom. 11:25; Rev. 11:1-2). The words Egypt and Egyptian are used 731 Times in Scripture and in nearly every case with Israel. Even until the Roman Empire days, Egypt was Israel's bitter enemy, with the exception of a few periods of friendship. Egypt was the place where Israel became a nation and where they were oppressed over 80 years before Moses led them out of bondage (Gen. 15:13-14; Gen. 37 through Ex. 15). She is mentioned many times after this as the oppressor of Israel (1Ki. 14; 2Ki. 17; 2Ki. 18:21 -- 2Ki. 19:37; 23:28-37; 25:25-26; 2Chr. 14:9-12; 16:7-9; Isa. 30-31). After having oppressed Israel off and on for over 3,750 years, Egypt will be subject to Antichrist in oppressing them again under the 8th kingdom (Dan. 8:21-25; 11:40-45). She will never be a great world power again (Ezek. 29:15), but will serve the Lord along with Israel in the eternal kingdom (Isa. 11:11-16; 19:23-25; 27:12-13; Zech. 10:10-11; 14:16-21). See note, Ps. 80:13.


2. Assyria was the second great empire to oppress Israel in the times of the Gentiles. Founded by Nimrod (Gen. 10:8-12) it was a kingdom inferior to Egypt for 1,300 years. Then God allowed her to chasten Israel (2Ki. 15 -- 2Ki. 16; 2Ki. 17 -- 2Ki. 19; 2Ki. 23 -- 2Ki. 24). The words Assyria and Assyrian are used 175 times and nearly always in connection with Israel. She oppressed Israel off and on for about 175 years. Antichrist will be the last Assyrian to oppress Israel in the times of the Gentiles (Isa. 10:20-27; 14:25; 31:4-9; Mic. 5:5,6). Assyria will be blessed in the eternal kingdom along with Israel (Isa. 11:16; 19:23-25). See note, Ps. 80:13.


3. Babylon was the third empire to oppress Israel in the times of the Gentiles. It is the first one mentioned in Daniel, and for this reason many Bible scholars start the time of the Gentiles with Babylon. But it must be remembered that both Egypt and Assyria persecuted Israel before Babylon and much longer. Why start the time of the Gentiles with the third empire to oppress Israel merely because Daniel saw those times from his day forward? He naturally could not predict the oppressions of Israel by Egypt and Assyria for they were in the past by the time he lived. Nevertheless, were they not oppressions by the Gentiles? If so, then they rightly belong to the times of the Gentiles. Daniel saw them from this day forward, while John saw the whole length of the times of the Gentiles from Egypt to the Revised Roman Empire, the purpose being to identify the 8th kingdom that will complete the times of the Gentiles. Babylon as an inferior kingdom helped Assyria against Israel (2Ki. 17:24-30; 2Chr. 33:11). She was chosen by God to take Judah captive for 70 years (2Ki. 20; 1Chr. 29; Jer. 24). Babylon is mentioned in Daniel under the head of gold (Dan. 2:37-38) and a lion (Rev. 7:4). The word Babylon is used 284 times in Scripture nearly always in connection with Israel. She will have a latter-day part in oppressing Israel (Isa. 13-14; Jer. 50-51). See Thirty-one Facts about Literal Babylon, and Mystery Babylon.


4. Medo-Persia was the 4th empire to oppress Israel in the times of the Gentiles. It is the 2nd one in Daniel as the breast and arms of silver (Dan. 2:32,39), the bear (Dan. 7:5), and the ram (Dan. 8:20). It is referred to only 58 times in Scripture, but in an important role (2Ki. 17:6; 18:11; Isa. 13:17; Dan. 5; 10:13-21; 11:1-2; Ezra. 1:1-8; Ezra. 4:1 -- Ezra. 9:9; Neh. 1-13). It will fulfill prophecy in the last days under Antichrist (Ezek. 38-39). Medo-Persia persecuted Israel off and on for over 100 years. See note, Ps. 80:13.


5. Greece was the 5th empire to oppress Israel in the times of the Gentiles and the 3rd one in Daniel. It is symbolized in Daniel by the belly and thighs of brass (Dan. 2:32,39), as the leopard (Dan. 7:6), and as the he-goat (Dan. 8:5-9,20-25). It is only mentioned by name 9 times in Scripture, due to the fact it existed between the Old and New Testament times. She is mentioned many times in the books of Maccabees in the Apocrypha, Practically all of Dan. 8; Dan. 11 and Dan. 12; Rev. 6:1-8; 13:1-18; 17:9-17; 19:19-21 must be understood in connection with Greece which will be revived again as the 8th kingdom. Greece and the Syrian and Egyptian parts of the empire persecuted Israel off and on for over 250 years. The Grecian empire is the 5th head on the beast of Rev. 17:9-11, which was (before John), is not (in John's day), and becomes revived as the 8th and last kingdom to oppress Israel. She is the head that was wounded to death and made alive again (Rev. 13:3,12).


6. Rome was the 6th empire to oppress Israel in the times of the Gentiles and the 4th in in Daniel. It is symbolized in Daniel as the legs of iron (Dan. 2:33,40), the non-descript beast (Dan. 7:7-8,23-24), and the 6th head on the beast (Rev. 17:9-17). Rome oppressed Israel over 200 years and dispersed the Jews in A.D. 70 (Dan. 9:26-27; Mt. 24:1-3; Lk. 21:20-24, notes). It is from this territory that the next two kingdoms will arise.


7. Revised Rome will be the next empire mentioned in Scripture as oppressing Israel in the times of the Gentiles. This kingdom will be made up of 10 kingdoms inside the Roman Empire territory in the last days. For this reason we call it the Revised Roman Empire, not the Revived. If the Roman Empire were to be revived it would be one kingdom ruled by one man from Rome, but instead 10 separate kingdoms ruled by 10 kings and with 10 separate capitals will be formed inside the Roman Empire territory. This is symbolized in Daniel by the 10 toes (Dan. 2:40-45) and 10 horns (Dan. 7:7-8,19-24), and by 10 horns in Rev. 12:3; 13:1; 17:9-17

Outline Of Daniel 8 - Daniel's Vision Of The Ram/He-Goat – The Middle East - Persia, Greece And Egypt-  (8:1-27)


1.    The vision (Dan. 8:1-14)  (8:1-2)

2.    The time  (8:1-2)

3.    Ram: Medo-Persia (Dan. 8:20)  (8:3-4)

4.    He-goat: Grecia (Dan. 8:21)  (8:5)

5.    War: Medo-Persia, Grecia  (8:6-7)

6.    The four horns (see Dan. 8:22)  (8:8)

7.    "Little horn": Antichrist  (8:9-14)

8.    The interpretation (Dan. 8:15-27)  (8:15-16)

9.    The angelic interpreters (Dan. 7:15-16)  (8:15-16)

10.                       Time of fulfillment (Dan. 2:27-30; 7:26-27; 8:26; 11:35; 12:1-9)  (8:17-19)

11.                       The ram: Medo-Persia (Dan. 2:39a and 7:5, refs.)  (8:20)

12.                       The he-goat: Grecia (Dan. 2:39b; 7:6, 24b and 7:25, refs.)  (8:21)

13.                       The four horns: Greece, Turkey, Syria, Egypt  (8:22)

14.                       The "little horn" (Dan. 7:11, 21-22, 24b and 7:25, refs.)  (8:23)

15.                       His power and war on the saints (Dan. 7:25, refs.)  (8:24)

16.                       His exaltation (Dan. 7:25; 2 Th. 2:4; Rev. 13:1-7, 12, 15-18; 17:8-17)  (8:25)

17.                       His war with Messiah (Dan. 2:44-45; 7:26-27; 2 Th. 2:8; Rev. 17:14; 19:11-21; Zech. 14)  (8:25)

18.                       The time of the vision  (8:26-27)


Source: Dake Reference Bible, Expositors, ESV, McPublishing

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