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Writer's pictureChristopher McDonald

Sunday PM - The Generation At The Last - 2/27/2022

Sunday PM Service - The Generation At The Last


Text: Psalm 102:16-21 (KJV)

Psalm 102:16-21 (KJV) When the LORD shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his glory. He will regard the prayer of the destitute, and not despise their prayer. This shall be written for the generation to come: and the people which shall be created shall praise the LORD.

A. Signs of the times the rapture is close Christ is coming FOR THE CHURCH! Christ is coming WITH THE CHURCH!

  1. Wars and rumors of war

  2. Restoration of Israel

  3. The gathering of the Jews in Israel

  4. Jerusalem and Judah will become a burden to the world

  5. Israel becomes a nation in a day (1948)

  6. Material affluence

  7. Spiritual apostasy

  8. Increased Knowledge

  9. Natural Disasters

  10. Perilous Times

  11. Lawlessness, wickedness

  12. False prophets

  13. Spirit of Antichrist, rise and call global government

  14. Demonic activity and deception

  15. Increased Persecution

  16. Drugs

  17. Spread of the True Gospel

  18. Great Falling Away

  19. Increased doctrinal error, doctrines demons

  20. Realignment of nations to usher in Antichrist

B. The generation at the last

  1. Psalms 102:16-21

  2. Three generations saw the greatest prophetic miracles and outpouring of the Holy Spirit A. Generation of Moses that came out of Egypt B. Generation on Earth at time of Christ's first coming C. The generation on Earth at Jesus' second coming the CHURCH and national Israel play specific, yet separate roles prophetic KEYS to end time bible prophecy

  3. Moses and Joshua saw the most miracles of ANY generation; most of the first generation perished; Joshua and Caleb only lineages that went into promised land - ended in captivity under Solomon's sons

  4. Christ performed MANY miracles to declare his messiahship to Israel yet she rejected him - Israel destroyed in AD 70 under Titus

  5. The last generation at time of Christ's SECOND coming A. Most Passionate B. Most Perilous C. Most Prophetic!

  1. Perilous - Dangerous and threatening times to the true child of God

  2. Prophetic - 1948 Israel became a nation 1967 Jerusalem back in Israel's hands since AD 70. (2027 will be 60 years, 2037-70 years)

Earmarks of the generation at the last:

  1. Earnest abandoned passion for Jesus

  2. Rediscover the need for hearing the voice of the Lord

  3. Most anointed in its preaching

  4. Most reconciliatory

  5. A mature understanding of spiritual warfare

  6. Focusing on the body of Christ, not individual segments

  7. God's silence, not contrived false signs and wonders

  8. True worship

  9. True vision of God's work in the harvest

  10. See Israel as being in the plan and purpose of God

Passionate - the Holy Spirit is emphasizing Christ as the bridgeroom, the king, the judge, the head of the church

This generation:

Persecutions judgements (supernatural - natural) falling away of the church, harvest of souls, Israel being restored


The prophets saw Israel's travail in the last days, the Apostles saw the church's travail and apostasy in the last days both are presently being aligned in these last days

The Apostasy Is Taking On Many Forms But Mainly Through These Main Attacks:

  1. On the atonement

  2. On the Holy Spirit

  3. One the rapture of the church

  4. Denying the supernatural power of God

  5. New age humanism/self-help philosophy, the "RISE" of false prophets, false teachers and false apostles

  6. Loss of Love and Relationships among the body (Matthew 24)

Of these SEVEN relate directly to end time events, mainly the church, Israel, the rapture, and the great tribulation period including Satan's activity and Babylon the great. The kingdom of heaven and church as basically one mystery thus the reason we say SEVEN

  1. The kingdom of God/heaven - Matthew 13

  2. Israel's blindness (Romans 11:25)

  3. The rapture of the church (1 Cor. 15:23, 51-58)

  4. The church (Eph. 3:1-9)

  5. Spirit of lawlessness (2 The. 2:7)

  6. Seven candlesticks (Rev. 1:19-20)

  7. Mystery Babylon (Rev. 17:5, 17)

18 Mysteries of Scripture

  1. The kingdom of God and kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 13)

  2. Israel's blindness (Romans 11:25)

  3. Salvation in Christ (Romans 16:25)

  4. The wisdom of God (1 Cor. 2:7)

  5. The doctrines of God (1 Cor. 4:1, Col. 2:2; 1 Tim. 3:16)

  6. The gospel (Ephesians 6:19)

  7. Gift of knowledge (1 Cor. 13:2)

  8. Speaking in tongues (1 Cor. 14:2)

  9. The rapture of the church (1 Cor. 15:23, 51-58)

  10. God's will (Ephesians 1:9)

  11. The church (Ephesians 3:1-9, 5:32)

  12. Christ in Men (1 Cor. 1:26-27)

  13. Doctrines of Christ (1 Cor. 4:3)

  14. Spirit of lawlessness (2 Thes. 2:7)

  15. Faith of the gospel (1 Tim. 3:9)

  16. Seven candlesticks (Rev. 1:19-20)

  17. God's delay in casting out Satan (Rev. 10:7, 12:7-17)

  18. Mystery of Babylon (Rev. 17:5, 17)

Daniel 2

Image of Nebuchadnezzar

Head of Gold - Babylon

Belly of Silver - Medo-Persia

Arms of Brass - Greece

Legs of Iron - Rome

Ten Toes - Revised Rome

Stone Without Hands - CHRIST

The Realignment of the Nations

  1. All empires mentioned in the scripture have to do with their persecutions of Israel

  2. There have been six in the past, two future A. Egypt B. Assyria C. Babylon D. Medo-Persia E. Greece F. Rome G. Revised Rome (FUTURE) H. Revised Greece (BEAST - FUTURE)

Daniel 2, image of Nebuchadnezzar

Head of Gold - Babylon

Belly of Silver - Medo-Persia

Arms of Brass - Greece

Legs of Iron - Rome

Ten Toes - Revised Rome

Stone Without Hands -CHRIST

Daniel 7, Four Beasts Out Of The Sea

  1. The lion - Babylon

  2. The bear - Medo-Persia

  3. The leopard - Greece

  4. Non-descript - Rome

  5. Ten horns - The Revised Roman Empire

Persia - 3 ribs in mouth - Babylon, Lydia, Egypt Greece - 4 Wing - 4 Divisions of Alexander The Great's Kingdom After His Death

Daneil 8


He-Goat - Greece

Four Horns - Greece, Turkey, Syria, Egypt little horn - Antichrist

"Saints" are ISRAEL, not the church


Seven empires of persecution of Israel

Ten horns - seventh head - YET FUTURE

"His" heads - names of blasphemy

A. Leopard - Greece

B. Bear - Medo-Persian

C. Lion - Babylon



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