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Writer's pictureChristopher McDonald

Sunday AM - The Book Of The Generations of Adam, The Generation Of Jesus Christ - 2/6/2022

Updated: Feb 24, 2022

Sunday AM Service - The Book Of The Generations of Adam, The Generation Of Jesus Christ


Text: Genesis 5:1-5; Romans 5:19-21

  1. The book of the generations of Adam corresponds with the phrase "The Book Of The Generation Of Jesus Christ"

  2. God intended Adam and Eve to live for him and bring a race that would be "sons and daughters of God"

  3. God created man a little lower than himself, yet higher than the angels

  4. Man FELL and as a result by extension so did everything else man is and touches is fallen

  5. Sin is cause of ALL ruin and ALL of man's problems - PERIOD

  6. God had to rectify this by becoming man himself - a SECOND Adam to redeem man from this horrible condition

  7. Jesus paid it ALL, not only keeping the law perfect FOR US, but ATONING (COVERING) all sin through his blood

  8. Faith in CHRIST and what he did at the cross grants the believing sinner eternal life (Eph. 2:8-9; 13-18)

  9. When man sin he lost the "LIKENESS" of God and lost he "blessing" of God

  10. The likeness is the glorious and HOLY manner which man was originally created created (2 Cor. 4:6)

  11. The likeness of God is the "GLORY OF GOD" but more "THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!"

  12. Through the fall man lost that glory but at the resurrection of life we shall be GLORIFIED! (Romans 8:17)

  13. What man lost, Christ purchased back at the cross - we will be like him (1 John 3:2). We now have the FIRST FRUITS of that glorious purchase (ATONEMENT) (Romans 8:23)

  14. Man also lost the blessing of God.. 5:2 - Says God "Blessed" them - Untold favor

  15. Likeness meaning "God in kind" - blessing means "favor constantly expressed"

  16. It took the cross to restore the "likeness of God" and the "blessing" of God

  17. Man finds his restored identity in the cross! Man finds his blessing in the cross!

  18. No matter what "good" unredeemed man does he's still LOST and EVIL!

  19. "You must be born again!" is how man regains both!

  20. Man is DEAD in trespasses and Sin (Eph. 2:1)

  21. There is NOTHING of GOD that remains in fallen man - he is now of his father the Devil whose likeness he bears (John 8:44)

  22. There is nothing man can do to save himself

  23. Man is complete lost, yet we are completely SAVED in CHRIST!

  24. The entire foundation of salvation and Christianity is based on faith!

  25. When a man repents and places his faith in Christ - He's no longer flawed

  26. Flawed faith is the bain of most Christians - "IN THE FAITH" -2 Cor. 13:5

  1. Man was created to live forever

  2. Sin brought on death to the human race!

  3. When man died spiritually he died physically

  4. Up to the flood 1600 years after th fall man lived to astounding ages

  5. After man's life span decreased - Abraham died at 175, David died at 70

  6. This book of the generations of Adam shows man the result of sin!

  7. Death came BY SIN! (Romans 5:12)

  8. There can be no fellowship between God and man except Christ - No moral equalivience

  9. Genesis 5:6-20 - ALL ENDS "And He Died"

  10. The family history of the earthly race which began in heaven is marked by death

  11. No matter how long they lived three words attended their name "And He Died"

  12. Sin spread quickly and its results SPREAD QUICKLY

  13. Genesis 6:3-6 - God strove with Adam for 120 years nowhere does it state Adam came back

  14. Only Abel, Enoch, Noah were stated they live for God - 3 in 1600 years of human history

  15. That is what sin does and has done to the human race!

  1. Sin came to the world by one man.

  2. It was not in the world at creation.

  3. Sin came from outside the world.

  4. Sin caused death to enter the race.

  5. Sin is universal in effects (Rom. 5:12).

  6. It was here 2,500 years before MOSES.

  7. Is not imputed without a law.

  8. Did not come by Moses's law.

  9. Penalty came before Moses' law.

  10. Both sin and death came by Adam's transgression of Gen. 2:17.

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