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Writer's pictureChristopher McDonald

Sunday AM - For We Have A Great High Priest - Part 1 - 12/5/2021

Updated: Feb 24, 2022

Sunday AM Service - For We Have A Great High Priest - Part 1 - The Order Of Aaron - 12/5/2021

Text: Hebrews 7:22-25 (KJV)

We Have A Great High Priest. The Order of Aaron - Part 1 1. The study of the priesthood goes back to the tabernacle of Moses in the Old Covenant a type of Christ AND the believer!

2. The tabernacle was comprised of 7 main parts:

A. The door of the gate - Only one on the east side

B. The brazen alter - The place of sacrifice - (THE CROSS)

C. The brazen laver - Where priests would wash before entering into the holy place (The Word of God) D. The golden lampstand on left - (Illumination - type of the Holy Spirit) - Priest twice daily 9 and 3 tended to lamps "the that light would never go out"

E. The table of shewbread on right - 12 loaves representing 12 tribes of Israel - John 6:35 (bread of life - Christ - AND the word of God - John 1:1-3)

F. The alter of worship - where incense was burned toward God as a "sweet smelling savor" called "most holy to the Lord" (Exodus 25:10). On the day of atonement, the high priest was to take some of the incense into the holy of holies, the cloud of smoke rising from the censer intended to cover the ark of the covenant

G. The veil which separated the holy place from the holy of holiest where God dwelled "between the Cherubs" - The ARK OF THE COVENANT

H. In this ark there were three things:

A. The Broken Law

B. Aaron's Rod that Budded

C. Golden Pot of Manna Hebrews 9:4 Revelation 11:19

3. The tabernacle without the priesthood however would be null and void!

4. The priesthood, the robes, the ritual while imperfect were not a mere afterthought in the mind of God -It as God ORDAINED! and still is

5. Priests were called to Minister upon the tabernacle (Exodus 25-30)

6. We today under the new covenant are called to be PRIESTS unto God

A. The dress of the priests typifies the believers relationship to God and also a type of Christ and our relationship to Him

B. These rituals and garments were of "fine linen," "pure gold" "precious stones" and used "costly ointment"

C. The hearts of the priests had to be wise or they would die such as Nadab and Abihu found out

7. Three Terms as it relates

A. Priests - Old Covenant priests were members of the Aaronic Family - Only claim to office was Sonship and inheritance - Character had little influence on the choice - To minister to holy things!

B. High priests - Aaron was the first - succeeded by his Son. Only one high priest held office at the time; Josephus says so high preists served Israel between Aaron and Christ - the reason for change? - DEATH (Hebrews 7:23) - The Aaronic "Order" pertained to national Israel only!

C. Great high priests - There was one and ONE ONLY! - The Lord Jesus Christ! He came NOT from the Aaronic order not even the tribe of Levi but from the order of Melchizedek!

Christ Comes From The Order of Melchizidec

  1. Passed into the heavens

  2. The Son of God

  3. He inherited his priesthood from no one

  4. He passed it on to none

  5. He REMAINS a priest TODAY!

  6. He supersedes all others by reason of his endless life


The Order of Aaron

  1. He was called by God - Exodus 28:1

  2. He was to be cleansed - Exodus 29:4

  3. He was to be clothed - Exodus 29:5-6

  4. He was to be consecrated - Exodus 29:9

  5. He was to be compassionate - Hebrews 5:1-3 (2)

  6. He was to be commissioned - Leviticus

The Believer Priest

  1. Hold Fast Our Profession

  2. Come Boldy Unto The Throne Of Grace

  3. Obtain Mercy

  4. Find Grace

  5. Help In Time Of Need!

Hebrews 7:22-25

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