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Writer's pictureChristopher McDonald

Sunday AM - A Sure Word of Prophecy P1 - 11/21/2021

Updated: Feb 24, 2022

Sunday AM Service - A Sure Word of Prophecy P1 - 11/21/2021

Text: 2 Peter 1:18-2 Peter 2:3

1. The apostle Peter gives us a blueprint on what the sure word of prophecy is compared to that of false prophecy

2. His admonition in 2 Peter 1:19 must be seen in relation to his admonition in 2 Peter 1:18 (The Mount of transfiguration)

3. Recorded in Matthew 17 Christ appeared on a mountain with Moses and Elijah - transfigured before them. The 3 apostles - Peter, James, and John heard the audible voice of God

4. Similar to what took place in Exodus 19:19 when the people of Israel heard the voice of God and thought they would die because it was so powerful and dreadful

5. The people asked God to speak to them through Moses (Deut. 5:23-27)

6. Despite hearing God's very voice Peter declares that we today under the new covenant have a SURE WORD OF PROPHECY!

7. This refers to the Old Testament scriptures that point to Christ

8. The bible is not two stories - it's ONE STORY - the story of Christ and his redemptive plan. The dividing line between the two testaments IS THE CROSS!

9. The cross is and always been the dividing line between the true and the false

10. Peter didn't have his faith in signs and wonders of prophetic utterances - his faith was in the ANOINTED WORD OF GOD!


12. The word of Christ (GOD) is interpreted by the spirit of CHRIST (GOD)!

13. "More sure" - Greek "Bebaois" - "Stable, fast, firm, sure, trust"

14. Signs and wonders can be mimicked by Satan, the word of God cannot BE even though the enemy will seek to pervert it!

15. The Holy Spirit works upon the word to convict the sinner for salvation and develop Christians into maturity!

16. The Holy Spirit anoints the word for healing, the baptism in the Holy Ghost, faith, miracles and ALL other things godly!

17. Faith coming by hearing and hearing by the word of God

18. Peter warns the church of three things:

A. "TAKE HEED" - False doctrine flourishes because Christians support IT! (Money, Support)

B. The Holy Spirit will not condone false doctrine - There is not LIGHT in the false shining in the darkness

C. "Knowing this first" - The cross is what we must KNOW FIRST!

D. "Private interpretation " - Greek: "idios," and means "Unique, One's own" -Interpretation means "what is obscure, and hard to understand"

19. The emphasis here is the one WHO WROTE the prophecies - the Holy Spirit inspired it ALL!

20. The catholic church used this to take the scriptures out of the hands of the people

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