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Writer's pictureChristopher McDonald

Sunday AM - Rooted, Grounded And Complete In Christ - 11/21/2021

Updated: Feb 24, 2022

Sunday AM Service - Rooted, Grounded And Complete In Christ - 11/21/2021

Text: Colossians 2:8-11

1. Paul warned the church at Colosse not to allow themselves to be "BEGUILED" (2:4,16, 18)

2. This was a warning that the truth of the gospel would be attacked through "carnal reasoning" and "subtle" deceit

3. "Beholding your order steadfastness of your faith in Christ - speaks of ranks and maintaining faith in the finished work of Christ

4. AS you have received CHRIST - SO WALK IN HIM! - behavior must be according to the sphere of Christ and what he did for us AT THE CROSS!

5. The keys to spiritual in CHRIST:

A. Rooted and built up in him - proper foundation - the word of God is ALWAYS the foundation FOR ALL TRUTH!

B. Established IN THE FAITH! - Christ and the cross IS THE CORNERSTONE OF FAITH NOT PART OF IT!

C. As you have been taught - a man is what he believes. If we believe wrong we won't come out right! If we believe right we won't come out wrong!

D. Abounding in Thanksgiving - the gospel brings benefits of which a true believer will be THANKFUL for not a grumbler or complainer!

6. Satan seeks to take the believer away from the cross through several means:

A. Philosophy

B. Vain Deceit

C. Traditions of Men

D. Rudiments of this world! Anything that pulls the believer away from the cross is not of God and if it's not the cross it's of MEN! If it's truly after Christ then it's after the cross and vice versa!

9. Christ is the COMPLETION of ALL THINGS! The fulness of deity - IN HIM YOU ARE COMPLETE! PERIOD!

10. YOU ARE COMPLETE IN HIM! - V. 10 - Every correct and spiritual and desire OF the believer is found IN the cross of Christ and what was accomplished there

11. Christ is the HEAD OF ALL PRINCIPALITY AND POWER! - Over the church AND ALL who oppose HIM! Phil. 2:10-11. "The firstborn of the creation" He is creator of all things (Col. 1:15). He is also "The firstborn of the dead"

A. These two things makes him the HEAD OF THE CHURCH

B. Guarantees the saints resurrection

C. Christ is the HEAD of the church because of what he DID AT THE CROSS: THE HEAD OF THE BODY!


12. 2:11-12 - Gives the key to spiritual victory over sin

A. The old carnal nature of the believer was defeated at the cross which gives the Holy Spirit latitude to work

B. Buried with him in baptism - Not water baptism but baptized into the death of Christ, Christ is our substitute and representative. As a substitute he died FOR US, as our representative he died AS US

C. Risen with him THROUGH THE FAITH of the operation of God! Who has raised him from the dead - we died with him, we were buried with him, we ARE RAISED with him into newness of LIFE - that is what being BORN AGAIN IS ALL ABOUT!

D. Quickened us together - THE SPIRIT QUICKENS! NOT THE FLESH!

E. Christ blotted out the ordinances! Col. 2:14-15

13. The attack on true faith comes here through legalism and gnosticism

14. Paul fought off Judaism and Gnosticism which took a foot hold IN the church

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