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Writer's pictureChristopher McDonald

Sunday AM - The Way Of Cain, The Way Of Abel - 1/23/2022

Updated: Feb 24, 2022

Sunday AM Service - The Way Of Cain, The Way Of Abel


Text: Genesis 4:1-5; Jude 1:11

  1. Adam knowing Eve is the biblical connotation of procreation - Man and women made he them

  2. Eve's name is mentioned four times in the bible (Gen. 3:20; 4:1; 2 Cor. 11:3; 1 Tim. 2:13)

  3. They had been commanded to beget CHILDREN - Genesis 1:28 - Confirmed by the promise of Genesis 3:15 of the seed that would destroy Satan

  4. Cain was the first child born to this union

  5. Eve used "LORD" meaning "Covenant of God" she thought CAIN would be the promised seed - humanity believes this same lie today

  6. Marriage is honorable and sanctioned by God - Between a man and a woman - the bed is undefiled

  7. Because of the fall "LOVE" turned into "LUST" which is never satisfied. There was pure love between Adam and Eve before the fall.

  8. All sex outside marriage is sinful (Heb. 13:4) - and will incur judgement

  9. "And she conceived" records the first pregnancy and would conclude in exactly what the lord said it would - SORROW

  10. Such has been the lot of the human race since from then until now

  11. God planned originally that Adam and Eve would bring into the world Sons and daughter of God (Luke 3:38)

  12. Because of Sin they brought forth sons and daughters after ADAM, MAN - Sinful, fallen, and wicked

  13. Cain was the first birth who incidentally turned out to be a murderer

  14. Eve placed her faith IN CAIN wrongly because she like millions today do not realize that sinful flesh cannot overcome Sin and Death WITHIN ALL!

  15. Eve and even the patriarchs didn't know the time the redeemer was coming but he was promised and HE DID COME!

  16. There are seven great promises in the old covenant of the coming redeemer four in Genesis

A. They predicted that the redeemer would be of the human race (Gen. 3:15)

B. He'd come from the line of SHEM (SETH) - (Gen. 9:26)

C. He'd come from a nation belonging to the Hebrews - (Gen. 12:3)

D. He come of a tribe of that nation, Judah - (Gen. 49:10)

E. He'd come of the family in that tribe - DAVID - (2 Samuel 7:16)

F. He'd come from a WOMAN, a virgin - (Isaiah 7:14)

G. He'd come from a small village named Bethlehem (Micah 5:2)

17. The prophetic circles of ALL OT prophecy centered around the coming LAMB, the coming seed - THE SON OF GOD, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!

18. Adam and Eve's faith in their union showed they DID NOT UNDERSTAND the fallen condition of their soul!

19. The fig leaves didn't cover their sin and their union would not and could NEVER produce a righteous SEED!

20. 6000 years of human history has proven man has never learned this lesson and gone in the way of Cain! (Romans 8:8)

21. Any gospel that teaches anything else is of Christ apart from the cross is another gospel pointing to another Jesus (2 Cor. 11:4)

22. The church produces it's CHILDREN - yet we pronounce it "from the Lord"

23. As Eve found out her firstborn was destined to be nothing but a murderer (The same spirit as his father the Devil - John 10:10)

24. The flesh cannot produce the spiritual things of God (Romans 8:1-2)

25. Eve bore Abel which meant "Vanity" meaning Eve realized Cain wasn't the seed, she was losing faith in God - Cain a tiller of ground, Abel a shepherd of sheep

26. Adam and Eve never understood the magnitude of their deception or their lostness; their fallen state was far worse than they could come to grips with

27. Both Cain and Abel were the product of their fallen father Adam and as such partakers of the NATURES of their father (John 3:36)

28. They were both LOST, both flesh regardless of their occupation!

29. They were NOT INNOCENT!

Adam's fall caused disobedience to be passed ON to all (Romans 5:12-19)

The first Adam vs The Second Adam

  1. First we have sin, disobedience, and death; The second we have righteousness, obedience and life

  2. The first we derive the sin nature (PHYSICAL BIRTH), the second a divine nature (SPIRITUAL BIRTH)

The Way of Cain

  1. It rejects God's way of sacrifice because it refuses to recognize it's fallen condition and Sin

  2. It brings the fruit of the ground to God - and an unbloody sacrifice representing the labor of one's own hand - the fruit of a cursed earth

  3. It rejects the idea sin brings death - Cain's offering was rooted in pride that refused to admit he'd be punished for any sin he would commit

  4. It thinks wrongly that man can approach God with something IN his hands, not the sacrifice of blood - God is not worshipped with Men's hands!

  5. Every false religion operates in the way of Cain!

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