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Writer's pictureChristopher McDonald

Sunday AM - The Great Falling Away From Sound Doctrine - 1/2/2022

Updated: Feb 24, 2022

Sunday AM Service - The Great Falling Away From Sound Doctrine


Text: 2 Timothy 4:1-4

  1. The word of God presents the whole body of revealed TRUTH

  2. The preacher must be in constant readiness to proclaim the word - "In Season, Out Of Season"

  3. "REPROVE" - Deal with Sin, "Do The Work Of An Evangelist" - 2 Tim. 4:5

  4. "REBUKE" - The church is receiving kisses from deceitful workers instead of open rebukes for leaving the cross!

  5. "EXHORT" with all "Longsuffering" and "Doctrine" gentleness that continues even when the message is met with rejection

  6. The DOCTRINE is not to change even though rejected!

  7. "SOUND DOCTRINE" - The overriding principles of the bible

1. The salvation of the sinner

2. The sanctification of the saint

3. The edifying, building up of the true church

4. The healing of body, soul, spirit

5. The message of the baptism in the Holy Spirit

6. The defending of truth and the true faith

7. The message of the second coming


8. Apostasy is the act of a professing Christian deliberately rejecting revealed truth

A. Deity of Jesus Christ

B. His redemptive plan through the cross

9. Some err from the truth due to heresy, the snare of Satan or ignorance

10. Believers can err from the truth but not necessarily apostatized

11. Apostasy is an act of the will and spirit

12. Apostates depart from the true faith but NOT the professing of such faith - 2 Tim. 3:1-8

13. Apostate teachers have infiltrated the church and are described in Timothy, Jude, Peter

14. Apostasy has no remedy but judgement

2 Thes. 2:10-12, 2 Peter 2:17, 21, Jude 11-15, Rev. 3:14-15

15. Itching ears belong to those who itch for smooth and comfortable and REWARD the man who is compromising the truth

16. These have rejected the truth and prefer to hear the lie

17. Those who follow false teachers not only turn away their ears from the truth but see to it that the ears are always in a position they will never come in contact with the Truth (2 Thes. 2:10-12)

18. If it's not the message of the Cross then it is fables (1 Cor. 1:18)

19. Paul said after defending the Cross he was willing to be offered - reference to the drink offering

20. I have fought a good fight - Victory over sin I have finished my course = Paul's assignment was the gospel I have kept the faith - he defended the truth.

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