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Writer's pictureChristopher McDonald

Spirit and Word Study Hour-The Ram of Medo-Persia, Daniel 8:1-2

Daniel 8:1-2

1.    This vision came two years later than the one in Dan. 7, giving additional information on some questions.

2.    Each vision was complete in itself, but both were helpful to an understanding of the whole truth of the future.

3.    This vision was originally recorded in Hebrew, the Aramaic section (Dan. 2:4 -- Dan. 7:28) having been completed.

4.    The time of the vision was at the end of the reign of Belshazzar which corresponds to the time of the handwriting on the wall of Dan. 5, for he only reigned a little more than two years.

5.    If Babylon had not fallen yet, then it must be understood that Daniel was on official business in Persia (Dan. 8:2).

6.    Shushan was the chief city of Persia.

7.    Daniel 8:2 -  [Elam] The Hebrew name of a region lying east of Babylonia and extending to the mountains of Media to the northeast, and along the Persian Gulf to the borders of ancient Persis in the south

8.    Its two divisions were Elam proper in the north and Anshan in the south, the latter being an independent kingdom until it was annexed by Persia about 600 B.C.

9.    Cyrus the Great was hereditary "Prince of Anshan."

10.                       The capital of Elam was Susa or Shushan.

11.                       The Elamites were from Shem (Gen. 10:22). Elam was a rival of Babylonia. They were allies for a long period due to a common enemy, the Assyrians, who under Assurbanipal conquered Elam and Babylonia about 645 B.C.

12.                       Susa was taken and many Elamites and others were deported to Samaria (Ezra 4:9; 2Ki. 17:24).

13.                       Upon the breaking up of the Assyrian Empire by Nebuchadnezzar and the Medes about 616 B.C., the Assyrian Empire was divided among the Medes, Lydians, and Babylonians.

14.                       About 553 B.C., Cyrus the Great, king of the Persians and a subject of the Median king, revolted and captured the Median king. The Persians conquered Lydia, Babylon, and Egypt and held sway over them until Alexander the Great, about 336 B.C.


1.    Daniel sees the Rise of the Babylonian Empire and in 15 years saw its downfall to the Persians (Daniel 1-6)

2.    Babylon is the THIRD HEAD of the SEVEN Heads of Revelation12, 13 and 17.

3.    Babylon Falls and now Daniel is part of the Medo-Persian Empire which is now the FOURTH head of Revelation 12-13-17

4.    In Daniel 8 The Lord chooses out TWO Kingdoms – Persia and Grecian Kingdoms (EMPIRES) to give us further insight into the person of the Antichrist (ISRAEL’s ULTIMATE PERSECUTOR)



Daniel 2

Daniel 7

Daniel 8

1.      Golden Head

1.      Lion’s/Eagles Wings


2.     Silver Breast

2.Bear Lifted Up On One Side


3.     Bronze Belly/Thighs

4.    Leopard, 4 Wings and Head


Notable Horn

Little Horn Broken

Prince Of Princes



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