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Writer's pictureChristopher McDonald

Spirit and the Word Study Hour - The Vision of the He-Goat and Ram

The Vision Of The Ram and He-Goat- Daniel 8:3-4


1. A ram stood by the river Ulai.

2. He had two horns.

3. The horns were high.

4. One horn was higher than the other.

5. The higher horn came up last (Dan. 8:3).

6. The ram pushed westward, northward, and southward.

7. No beast could stand before him.

8. No beast could deliver from him.

9. He did according to his will.

10. He became great (Dan. 8:4).

11. A he-goat came from the west, covering the face of the whole earth (Dan. 8:5).

12. He was going so fast he touched not the ground as he went.

13. He had a notable horn between his eyes.

14. He came to the two-horned ram.

15. He ran into him in the fury of his power (Dan. 8:6).

16. He was moved with anger against him.

17. He smote the ram and broke his horns.

18. There was no power in the ram to stand against the he-goat.

19. He cast the ram down to the ground and stamped upon him.

20. None could deliver the ram out of the hands of the he-goat (Dan. 8:7).

21. The he-goat became very great.

22. When he was strong the great horn between his eyes was broken.

23. In its place came up four notable horns toward the four winds of heaven (Dan. 8:8).

24. Out of one of them came forth a little horn.

25. The little horn became exceeding great toward the south, east, and the pleasant land (Dan. 8:9).

26. The little horn became great even to the host of heaven.

27. It cast down some of the host of heaven to the ground.

28. It stamped upon them (Dan. 8:10).

29. The little horn magnified himself even to the prince of the host.

30. By him the daily sacrifice was taken away.

31. The place of his sanctuary was cast down (Dan. 8:11).

32. A host was given him against the daily sacrifice because of sin abounding on every hand.

33. The little horn cast down the truth to the ground.

34. He practiced and prospered (Dan. 8:12).

35. One saint speaking to another asked, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden down (Dan. 8:13)?

36. The answer was, Unto 2,300 days (evening morning sacrifices); then shall the sanctuary be cleansed (Dan. 8:14).


Notes On 8:1-8


Daniel 8:1-3

c [two horns] The kings of Media and Persia, Darius (Dan. 5:31) and Cyrus (2Chr. 36:22-23).


d [came up last] Referring to Cyrus the Persian who was king of the Medes and Persians after Darius the Mede. Under him and his successors Persia attained to a greater power than ever under the Medes.


Daniel 8:4

a [westward, and northward, and southward] The Medes and Persians conquered Lydia to the north, Babylon and other countries to the west, and Egypt to the south. Subduing all, they did according to their own will and became great.


Daniel 8:5-6

a [he goat come from the west] The acknowledged symbol of Greece. Caranus, the first king going with many Greeks to seek a new habitation in Macedonia, was advised by an oracle to take goats for guides. Seeing a herd fleeing from a storm, he followed them to Edessa and there built the seat of his empire. He called the place Aegea, the goats' town and the people Aegeadae, the goats' people, names derived from aigeos (GSN-<G122>), goat. He chose a goat as the emblem on his standards. Aegea was the burying place of Macedonian kings. Alexander called his son by Roxana, Alexander Aegus -- Alexander the goat.


b [the whole earth] Again we have a whole put for a part of the earth, as is the case so often when Gentile world powers are referred to (Dan. 2:38-40; 4:11-12,20-22; 7:19,23). The Antichrist's kingdom is as geographically limited as the others


c [touched not the ground] Symbolizing the swiftness of Alexander's conquests (Dan. 8:5-6). In 13 years he conquered the whole known world.


d [horn between his eyes] First king, Alexander the Great (Dan. 8:21).


The NOTABLE HORN is Alexander – With Reference to the LITTLE HORN i.e. Antichrist

Alexander had help from fallen angels helping him in his speedy conquests; the Antichrist will have the same help; Alexander thought his help came from Zeus and didn’t know what was helping him; Antichrist likely same



Daniel 8:7

a [choler] Hebrew: marar (HSN-<H4843>), to become bitter (Dan. 8:7; 11:11). This shows the hatred of Medo-Persia by the Greeks who had been invaded by Xerxes 144 years before and the growing enmity between the two powers.


Notes For Verse 8

a [great horn was broken] Alexander the Great died at age 33.


b [for it came up four notable ones] Four kingdoms were formed out of his empire. They would be known today as Greece, Turkey, Syria, and Egypt.


Ref: Dake, Expositors, Commentary On Daniel, Kevin Connor


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